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Geplaatst: 08-07-2014 22:10
door Ethan Corell

ATMOSPHERE: Highly Toxic
DIAMETER: 4,543 Miles

Terrel is a desolate place, often called the worst planet in the Tri-System next to Hades. The planet is one big ball of ore and toxic winds. The only reason that people come there is that the ore there is so abundant, that many companies of the Federation set up mining operations on the planet. Because of the amount of ore that had to be transferred to factories on Hermes and other planets, the UTO(universal trading organization), which is a big part of the Federation, build a space-station in orbit of Terrel. That was the first big step on making Terrel an important place in the Tri-system.
Because the resources were plenty, the federation decided to start a major project: The Terrel Ring. The project was to make sure that factories and shipyards would be near the source of the ore so it could be used faster. Within a short amount of time, Terrel became the largest Shipyard of the Tri-System.
In the year 2740, 150 years after the Darkening, a war broke out between the Federation and The Order. The final battle was decided in orbit of Terrel in the year 2767 and won by the Federation, but the aftermath was terrible, both sides had lost 70% of their fleet and all the lost ships, ranging from corvettes to the big capital ship of The Order’s General: Densal ‘the Voice’ Forner, crashed on to the planet’s surface. Densal Forner did escape…but the battle was lost to the Order.
After that battle a lot had to be rebuild, and Terrel was the place where it happened. The Federation and the Order decided that Terrel should become neutral ground for both parties so that the Tri-system would be able to recover from the war, and to start a collaboration with each other.